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Thursday, 28 May 2015

Drupal for the Financial Sector

Drupal is ideal for large, complex enterprise class websites. The platform is getting easier day by day. Drupal, regarded as one of the most flexible and powerful CMSs available for developing complex enterprise websites, wasn't originally meant to be a CMS. Drupal has a relatively small installed base. Just 2.3% of all websites use the CMS. But this statistic does not do justice to its significant presence in the enterprise. Designed as an open-source Web publishing platform, Drupal has a committed following among developers of high-end and enterprise-scale websites. There's a completely different category of developers in this community.

Selection of a platform for any website hinges upon its potential requirements and goals. Drupal is the preferred CMS  for Enterprise level websites and web applications. Drupal scores with superior designs, user friendliness and security for website having large amounts of content such as large businesses with droves of users. The platform can also be used to build a basic website such as for product listing, event listing etc.

Drupal is specifically tailored for financial service organizations. Financial service establishments such as banks, insurance firms, credit card companies place much emphasis on security because client's financial information is stored on the website. Customer related financial data and other sensitive information need protection from malicious intrusion. Phishing is a genuine threat that financial establishments need to take seriously. Drupal is ideal for websites that mainly deal with finance or have confidential information as it has the ability to monitor security issues, investigate, verify and publish potential security issues of the websites as well as software installations.

As far as the confidentiality and security of the website is concerned, it is recommended to have an exhaustive interaction with the Drupal development firm. This is necessary to ensure there are no loopholes at every stage of development. The data needs to be consistent, fast and precise when customers attempt to access their account information. Drupal development firms can build Drupal solutions for each requirement, including coding and scalability. Drupal uses automated scaling to accommodate and maintain the site's stability and thus manage heavy traffic during peak hours.

There are many significant and important entities in the financial services industry who have implemented Drupal. Insurance companies across the globe, whether big and small have readily adopted Drupal. The popularity of Drupal in the financial sector is growing by leaps and bounds.

Drupal meets the content management needs of contemporary websites quite nicely. Its extensibility and scalability make it well suited to large and complex websites. As Drupal is free, it provides big cost savings as benchmarked against proprietary content management systems.

Drupal is open source and bolstered by a massive developer user community. The latest release of Drupal has a host of state-of-the-art features and supports multiple languages. The mobile version of Drupal makes the platform relevant to the present and ready for the future. Clearly, it is the technology of the future fully equipped to meet the challenges of the financial industry.

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Opting for the Right Modules Using Drupal: When Less is More!

There are hordes of powerful Drupal extensions or Modules to opt from and many more are incorporated every passing day. Well, in such a scenario, it is quite natural to find it difficult to choose the right module for the task at hand! It is interesting to gauge how to combine modules in useful ways and develop websites such as online store, e-commerce, wiki, photo gallery, personal blogs or a product review site.

Every new project approaches with a unique demand and so modules which were important at one time for a particular project may not be as useful now. Also, new modules hold better functionalities totally eliminating the need for the earlier ones.

However, it is still pertinent to carefully evaluate modules you choose before committing to them. You already know where to find the modules --- they are furnished on the main website.
Basic Types of Modules on Drupal Sites

Ways to Choose the Right Module

  • You can spot the 'must-have' modules which are most frequently utilized for building Drupal websites.
  • There are also some modules which have already proved their worth and would be continued to be used.
  •  Choose modules that are compatible with your Drupal version. For this, choose the right release.
  •  Consider factors like over-all code quality of the module, whether it has been used in the overall community and also whether the module is well-maintained or not.
  •  With every module, codes etc. are added to the site. Dealing with more things will take longer duration to load the pages. So, choose fewer modules.
  • Choose Drupal modules which are actively maintained, that is, the required fixes are applied regularly.
  • The module must conform to higher code quality level.
  • The module must attend to security concerns.
  • The module must be segmented to make sure that the code is loaded only when required.
 No Exact Science for Choosing Modules

Some of the most commonly used Drupal modules are Field Group, Link, Media (for organizing and storing audio and video) and References. Then there is View Reference, Block Reference, Submitagain name it!

There are core modules for Drupal that are referred to as Menus. Menus add functionality for working with navigation. Then, there are many user-created modules which can be installed quite fast. The Token Handling modules do not have conspicuous actions and just place small 'tokens' inside placeholders which serve a central API for modules for utilization of these tokens. 

Well, there are tons of modules, each doing its bit for extending the basic functionality of the open-source Drupal platform. It is quite possible that you choose a module and it later turns out to cause trouble with messy code and cross-browser problems!  

There is no doubt that Drupal modules make Drupal an admirable platform to build on. With experience, you will notice that certain modules become common for a particular type of project. However, fewer modules is the key! Drupal is certainly the ideal PHP content management platform with free services, customer helpline, forums and modules. Get ready for some dynamic activity on your website, with Drupal Modules!

Monday, 9 March 2015

Drupal Themes Development: Combining Artistry with Functionality!

Drupal is an open source CMS framework written in PHP. Being a highly functional publishing platform, Drupal development services involve website development, creation of blogs and enterprise applications, custom module development, custom Drupal themes, Drupal e-commerce and Drupal website maintenance.

As far as Drupal themes are concerned, services and solutions encompass custom theme development, adaptive Drupal theming, Drupal website design, User Interface design (UI) and User Experience design (UX). The themes created ought to be innovative and responsive yet must confine to industry specific needs. They must cater to definite IT needs, project specifications and enterprise requirements.

Need for Custom Drupal Themes

The look and feel of a website is due to themes which are a collection of files that are designed as presentation platform for users for the purpose of viewing as well as interaction. Custom Drupal theming involves specification of fonts, graphic attributes, website layout, managing its appearance in different browsers etc. Fresh themes aid you in altering the look and feel of your Drupal website.


A major component of Drupal design and development entails Drupal theming. It helps to generate a novel Drupal front-end which integrates with Drupal website and functional requirements, is SEO-friendly, provides a unique user experience and helps with search indexing and renders perfectly on any browser. Drupal themes comprise of few PHP files, a CSS file and an info file.

Attributes of Good Drupal Themes

The best Drupal themes are not just for splendour and beauty; They render flawlessly irrespective of the browser used (Internet Explorer, Fire Fox, Safari and Chrome) --- even if the browsers are upgraded. They are flexible and accommodate changes and upgrades without hampering viewing experience. Drupal themes are powerful and aid in the creation of unique layouts.

Theming and Front-end Development

Drupal themes can be built from scratch or you can go in for modification of the existing theme. Themes contributed by others can be used or you can create your own themes for sharing with the community. However, contributed themes are not part of official releases and do not include optimized code or functionality. Sub-themes of existing theme can be created too. Such a sub-theme inherits resources of a parent theme.

Organizations today want to go in for innovative Drupal theming and they take help from competent Drupal themers to meet their unique enterprise needs and make their websites beautiful! They serve to amalgamate both Drupal design and development and science of code. A good theme is all about flaunting the finest elements of your website, but sustaining flexibility and speed at the same time.

Theming in Drupal 8

In Drupal 8, Twig has replaced PHP Template as the default templating engine. Drupal 8 has brought new beauty and functionality to theming by allowing themers to build secure and flexible websites.
Be it websites, blogs or enterprise applications, Drupal plays its part well as an open source platform --- robust, collaborative and seamlessly integrating with IT solutions for seamless functionalities.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Competitive Advantages of Drupal Over Other CMS Technologies

Advantages of Drupal Over Other CMS

Drupal is a content management system offers new or improved features on your site, authorization of end users to do customizations that usually requires software engineering, sustainable maintenance and lower total cost of ownership.

If you are a new user who need to set up a blog, a portal for some exact usage, or any other website, then you might be thinking which content management system is right for you. Reading this article will surely give you the answer of this question.

Drupal is one of the best and free open-source content management system (CMS) written in computer language of PHP. Drupal development services are mainly used as a back-end system for world over websites. The websites can vary from personal blog to political, corporate, health websites, social networking website and also government authority websites.

But this answer is not sufficient for this query. You mill still be thinking and try to calculate how much things need to be configured for matching up with the expectations of requirement. There are several reasons why Drupal may be the best choice for your organization:

Flexibility – When taking about most flexible CMS platform, then Drupal is the top most in the market right now. It can be custom-made to fit unique business needs and does not constrain companies to a one-size-fits-all approach. While commercial software can require incredible effort to customize, Drupal is built from the ground up to be flexible for distinctive business needs.

Customization Feature- Drupal Customization Services can be used to create much new functionality in the user interface without programming. Doing this process doesn't take much time duration and can be done by an associate of your staff member experienced in your operations. This reduces your dependability on service providers and provides you the freedom to make simple modifications and development yourself.

Rapid deployment- Drupal’s plug-and-play architecture lets you build in days, not months. It is no wrong to say that Drupal web development framework is best in the market.

User Management- One of the greatest feasible development targets for Drupal is networking or social websites, with numerous forms of users comprising visitors to web admins, authors to editors, webmaster to members and greatest part is you can describe their roles and usage rights correct from the admin panel using limited clicks.

So, all this makes clear that why Drupal is the greatest content management system in your organization. It gives you freedom on your website and web pages more than any other CMS in arena.

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Drupal Customization for Your Business Needs

In order to reach out to your business goals successfully, it is imperative to customize Drupal to suit your specific business requirements. Drupal customization will include enhanced functionality, planned workflow, tailor-made modules, and simple interface for blogs, image galleries, surveys and forums which will make all the difference!

Drupal Customization Services
Drupal Customization Services

Profitability in business with Drupal Customization

Customization has to be carried out as per particular needs of a business organization. After all, Cinderella's shoe did not fit everyone! Let us enumerate the various facets of Drupal customization:
  • Building of modules which do not exist but are required.
  • Creating functional websites using Drupal which are easy to navigate and are customer friendly. As an open source CMS, Drupal aids in outstanding web development services.
  • Reassessing your business website on the release of new version of Drupal.
  • Drupal customization includes seamless integration with all other applications, multiple browser compatibility along with access to mobile devices.
  • Management of CMS including expeditious creation of new content pages (in myriad languages), file management (PDF, Word doc) and improving competency.
  • Building Conference Management System and building modules for management of speaker management, session management, registration management etc. which enable easy management of the entire event.
Drupal Customization Services with Drupal Developers

The Drupal developers must have in-depth knowledge of programming requirements, Drupal CMS Development along with knowhow about the entire Drupal framework. They should strive to complete business projects at hand according to particular requirements of your business enterprise. Drupal developers must possess expertise in theme development using PHP, HTML, JavaScript and CSS along with graphical design applications such as Adobe Photoshop and Flash for creating web sites.

Drupal embraces development and customization of corporate websites, web portals, community portals, e-commerce sites, social networks and personal websites and comes with a flexible and robust architecture.

Drupal Customization Services Company

Drupal Customization Services include Customized Drupal Website Development, Drupal Module Development, Drupal Theme Development, Drupal Core Installation and Configuration, Drupal Design Services and Drupal Template Development among other services.

Drupal customization demands for experienced and expert Drupal Development Company which may aid you in reaching your business goals at affordable cost as well as help in customization solutions. No doubt, Drupal renders excellent content distribution support with a good database. Outsourcing your Drupal customization requirements to a company which renders cost effective, reliable and high quality Drupal Customization services will guarantee assured profits on your investment.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Drupal - Most Highly Effective CMS Platform!!!

What can you make with Drupal? The answer is multi featured and beautiful websites that helps to communicate effectively with customers, partners and employees. It keeps visitors engaged with the optimal Web experience.

When it comes to choose the best free CMS solution for building a website, what is the first option that comes to your mind? Obviously, you can confuse because there are many options available in market and you think about best one. But reading this article can help you in this. Today, we’d like to focus your attention on Drupal development services mainly. It is one of the CMS platforms that have recently seen a wide growth and popularity all over in the web application processes. It is not wrong to say that it has now become a recurrently used word that has the most operational ideas and conceptions in the area of web content management. In short, Drupal is set up in PhP format and is an open source content management system.

Numerous number of community sites can be created by an individual with the help of Drupal web development. Few of the top class services offered by Drupal are:-
  • Forums, blogs and community websites
  • Menu management, page layout, brochure ware
  • System administration customization
This is the main reason that Drupal is used and shared a lot by people all around the globe.   

Some more reasons that explains why you should go for Drupal

User friendly CMS Websites: - For those who are planning to make a highly functional and user friendly websites, we always recommend Drupal. Custom Drupal development is one of the best features of Drupal in which you can make websites according to the needs of your business. So it servers all business needs while making simple and user friendly websites.

Theme Layering: - Drupal bestows the non-programmers with the most flexible way to create and convert the style of the web page without having primary PHP information.

Module development: - A question always arises that what made Drupal so viral among the users. We can say that its features and customized Drupal web development feature falls in this criteria.

Attractive and appealing Designs: - As creative designs attract everyone. Great Drupal theme designs can attract users towards a beautiful website.  So we can proudly say that with the help of this CMS can skyrocket your business.

Easy Arrangement of content: - This CMS enables the developers to be able to manage and upload content easily. It also allows the developers to reuse or re structure the content.

Monday, 20 October 2014

Major Advantages Of Drupal In Website Development Services

In the recent years, with the growth in online marketing industry and an upsurge in the requirement for an effective and user-friendly content management tool, the popularity of Drupal has surged immensely. The key reason for this is that Drupal is an open-source CMS tool that offers its users immense flexibility in modifying, sharing and distributing all types of content, be it text, images or videos. More than a CMS tool, Drupal is a SaaS (Software as a Service), which is perfect for small businesses and scalable for large organizations. Some of the major advantages of Drupal in website development and content management are:

  • It is Free: Unlike many propriety CMS tools that charge monthly or yearly licensing/subscription fees, Drupal being an open-source is completely free. This makes Drupal perfect for small website development companies for whom cost is an important factor. Also, despite being absolutely free, Drupal outperforms many expensive CMS tools in its functionalities and capabilities.
  • Rich module library and huge community: Drupal has a very rich module library that contains several useful modules which make uploading and modifying content both fast and easy. The module library is continuously enriched further by its community of developers who keep adding new modules. At present, there are over 30,000 active website developers in the Drupal community who work dedicatedly to add new features and functionalities to the tool.
  • Extensive API support: Drupal offers an extensive API support to help the users create their own customized modules. Often the modules available in the library (despite the fact that Drupal’s library itself is very large) do not cater to the requirements of the user at hand. In such cases, users can develop their own modules using API, and if he/she faces any problem in doing so, Drupal's API support can be of great help. Also, with effective API support, users can better integrate Drupal with other useful software solutions.
  • Flexibility in Web design: In today's dynamic business environment, flexibility of processes is an important requisite. Drupal offers its users a highly flexible environment where they can customize their web designs easily as per their business requirements. Drupal's interactive framework enhances its usability and user-experience further.
  • Search engine friendly: For any website to be able to attract targeted audience, it is very important that the site is optimized for the search engines. This makes search engine optimization an integral part of any online business. Drupal was initially created as a community platform; as such it inherently supports SEO. Drupal website designs offer immense flexibility in displaying content, making it irresistible for SEO executives. Moreover, tagging and meta tagging are way too easy and quick in Drupal, making it indispensable for modern SEO practices.
These are just a few of the many advantages of Drupal website development. These advantages are evident from the recent spike in the number of Drupal website companies throughout the world. Also, there has been a huge surge in the number of people aspiring to become Drupal website developers, given the lucrative career options it offers.
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