
Monday, 9 March 2015

Drupal Themes Development: Combining Artistry with Functionality!

Drupal is an open source CMS framework written in PHP. Being a highly functional publishing platform, Drupal development services involve website development, creation of blogs and enterprise applications, custom module development, custom Drupal themes, Drupal e-commerce and Drupal website maintenance.

As far as Drupal themes are concerned, services and solutions encompass custom theme development, adaptive Drupal theming, Drupal website design, User Interface design (UI) and User Experience design (UX). The themes created ought to be innovative and responsive yet must confine to industry specific needs. They must cater to definite IT needs, project specifications and enterprise requirements.

Need for Custom Drupal Themes

The look and feel of a website is due to themes which are a collection of files that are designed as presentation platform for users for the purpose of viewing as well as interaction. Custom Drupal theming involves specification of fonts, graphic attributes, website layout, managing its appearance in different browsers etc. Fresh themes aid you in altering the look and feel of your Drupal website.


A major component of Drupal design and development entails Drupal theming. It helps to generate a novel Drupal front-end which integrates with Drupal website and functional requirements, is SEO-friendly, provides a unique user experience and helps with search indexing and renders perfectly on any browser. Drupal themes comprise of few PHP files, a CSS file and an info file.

Attributes of Good Drupal Themes

The best Drupal themes are not just for splendour and beauty; They render flawlessly irrespective of the browser used (Internet Explorer, Fire Fox, Safari and Chrome) --- even if the browsers are upgraded. They are flexible and accommodate changes and upgrades without hampering viewing experience. Drupal themes are powerful and aid in the creation of unique layouts.

Theming and Front-end Development

Drupal themes can be built from scratch or you can go in for modification of the existing theme. Themes contributed by others can be used or you can create your own themes for sharing with the community. However, contributed themes are not part of official releases and do not include optimized code or functionality. Sub-themes of existing theme can be created too. Such a sub-theme inherits resources of a parent theme.

Organizations today want to go in for innovative Drupal theming and they take help from competent Drupal themers to meet their unique enterprise needs and make their websites beautiful! They serve to amalgamate both Drupal design and development and science of code. A good theme is all about flaunting the finest elements of your website, but sustaining flexibility and speed at the same time.

Theming in Drupal 8

In Drupal 8, Twig has replaced PHP Template as the default templating engine. Drupal 8 has brought new beauty and functionality to theming by allowing themers to build secure and flexible websites.
Be it websites, blogs or enterprise applications, Drupal plays its part well as an open source platform --- robust, collaborative and seamlessly integrating with IT solutions for seamless functionalities.
Blogger Templates